Ricerca (Pagina 2)

E’ stata pubblicata recentemente la classifica mondiale degli ospedali da parte di Newsweek. Per quanto riguarda i centri oncologici, l‘Istituto Europeo di Oncologia si posiziona al dodicesimo posto nel mondo e primo tra i centri italiani.  E’ un risultato estremamente prestigioso che conferma l’impegno all’eccellenza dell’Istituto.Leggi altro →

The IEO Division of Thoracic Surgery is the first in Italy and among the first in Europe to have reached the milestone of 1,000 robotic lobectomies, a series not yet described as a mono-institutional series in the scientific international literature. The robot intervention was confirmed to be safe both from a surgical and an oncological point of view: in 78% of patients no postoperative complications were found and 92% of treated patients are alive after oncological follow-up. average of 39 months. “At IEO we started the robotic lung surgery program in 2006 and we were among the first to believe in this approach – commentsLeggi altro →